How to Play – Go Fish

Part of the fun in raising Zoey is finding things that delight and educate her; I want to find fun, creative board games to play with her during our family game nights! This week we played Go Fish the LotFancy version for 2 to 4 players.

This specific Go Fish game is designed for kids and does a great job at reminding Zoey of the numbers she’s already learned and recognizing /collecting matching sets! I remember when I used to play this with regular playing cards, which could be fun to introduce her to at a later date! I remember we would sometimes combine two decks of playing cards so more people could play and/or we could play for longer! Good times!

So let’s play!

  • 40 cards
  1. Players take turns trying to collect sets of 4 sea creatures and whomever collects the most sets, wins!
  2. Shuffle the cards and deal 5 to each player.
  3. Place the remaining cards face-down in a pile between the players. This is your “pool of aquatic animals”.
  4. The youngest player goes first, then play continues clockwise.
  5. On your turn, pick any player and ask them if they have a specific number card (it must be one you already have in your hand). If they do, they must give you all their cards with that number. You then get to take another turn! If they do not have that card, then they tell you to “Go Fish!” And you draw 1 card from the pool of aquatic animals. If you happen to draw a card with the number you asked for, show the card to the group, place it in your hand and you get another turn! Otherwise place the card in your hand and your turn is over.
  6. When a player collects 4 of the same sea creatures, they place them face up in front of them.
  7. If a player runs out of cards at any point, they draw one card from the pool of aquatic animals at the end of the current turn.
  8. When the pool of aquatic animals is empty, the game is over. The player with the most set of matching cards wins!


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