How to Play – Hungry, Hungry Hippos!

Part of the fun in raising Zoey is finding things that delight and educate her; I want to find fun, creative board games to play with her during our family game nights! This week we played the Hungry, Hungry Hippos by Hasbro for 2 to 4 players!

This game was a Christmas gift to Zoey from her aunt and uncle, and we love it! Zoey’s favorite color is yellow so I think she feels more drawn to the version where whomever chomps the yellow ball wins, rather than whoever chomps the most balls wins. Either way it’s a classic, fast-paced game we all can enjoy!

Let’s play!

  • A game tray
  • 4 attachable hippos
  • 4 attachable marble release levers
  • 20 balls
  • Each player selects a hippo and places 5 marbles into the marble release area near their hippo.


  1. One player is chosen to release a marble by pressing the marble release lever. As soon as the marble is released, all players try to make their hippos gobble it by pressing the hippo tails until someone succeeds.
  2. Moving clockwise, the next player releases a marble and the process is repeated.
  3. After all the players have been gobbled, each player counts up the marbles in their marble collecting area.
  4. Whomever has the most marbles wins the game!


  1. All players release their marbles at the same time and (once someone says “Go!”) attempt to gobble as many marbles with their hippos as they can!
  2. After all the players have been gobbled, each player counts up the marbles in their marble collecting area.
  3. Whomever has the most marbles wins the game!

*Another variation is to see who has the yellow/golden marble at the end of the game, and whoever does wins!


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